PT. Inzpire Technology, We are a growing IT based company, currently seeking for a professional to fill the following positions:
Marketing Manager
To plan, manage, and monitor current and future market trends; implementation of marketing and brand management, within company's policies and strategy with the objectives to contribute to the company's strategic goals and ensure the achievement of sales target
At least 2-3 years of proven marketing experience in media industry or advertising agency, with minimum 1 years of experience in managerial level.
Bachelor Degree from reputable university in business, technology, management or others related.
Very Good command in English.
High achiever person, performance oriented, wide networking.
Creative, Innovative, has a good personality with strong communication & negotiation skills.
Outstanding skill to develop and maintain teamwork.
High integrity & professionally person.
Good interest to develop career in cyber media business & digital technology area.
Please submit your application with a comprehensive resume, recent photograph
Apply To :
Close : Wednesday - 08/07/09
PT. Inzpire Technology
Wisma Iskandarsyah C8 Jl Iskandarsyah Raya No.12 - 14 Jakarta Selatan 12160 Jakarta Selatan